Welcome To Living Herbal Tea! The Place To Share Herbal Tea Recipes, Herb Wisdom, And Inspiration Since 2011.
Tea Reviews
Mountain Tea
Growing wild in most Mediterranean and many Central European regions, Mountain Tea has a long history of use as an
Tea Reviews
Greenthread Navajo Tea
Recently I was introduced to a sweet little plant that grows wild where I live and has grown wild in
Tea Reviews
Sacred Blossom Farm
Among the ‘green blooded’ people, those who love plants, there seems to be an endless stream of synchronicity. We often
Tea Reviews
Adaptogen Herbal Teas
In case you didn’t already know, I am a huge fan of the adaptogen class of herbs. These specialized,
Tea Reviews
Healing with Holy Basil
Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum), also known as Tulsi throughout the Southeast Asian world, is perhaps one of my most favorite
Tea Reviews
Cure Teas
If you’ve been reading my blog for long, you know that I am a huge advocate for working with
Tea Reviews
Releasing Anger With Herbal Tea
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is believed that nearly all imbalances and serious health concerns are rooted in the emotions.
Tea Reviews
The Healing Properties Of Roses
Roses have such deep symbolism, tradition, and meaning for many of us – but did you know they also bring an
Health Benefits
Herbal Tea For Fatigue
Have you ever had one of those days where you felt tired, exhausted, or drained even though you may have
Health Benefits
Herbal Tea For Anxiety
Most of us have a wellness issue we spend a great deal of our lives working with. For me, it’
Health Benefits
Herbal Tea For Worry
Have you ever found your mind bouncing from one negative thought to another? Stayed awake at night trying to find
Health Benefits
Herbal Tea For Stress
After going through emails I’ve received over the past few years, I realized a pretty clear trend – people consistently
Digestive Herbal Tea Recipes
If you’re like most people, there are days when you make poor food choices, eat on the run, or
Tea Reviews
The Healing Power Of Lobelia Herbal Tea
If you’ve ever looked at medicinal grade herbal teas before, chances are you’ve come across Lobelia as an
Tea Facts
Why You Should Talk To Your Tea
You read that title right! In this post I plan on convincing you that having very real conversations with your
Tea Reviews
Native American Tea
I have a firm belief that some of the most delicious, vibrant, and healing herbs you can bring into your
Health Benefits
Herbal Tea For Meditation
Stress, headaches, allergies, detoxing, cramps, and the common cold. These are just some of the most popular reasons why someone
Health Benefits
Easy Herbal Tea Skin Treatment
Zits, blackheads, blemishes, irritation,. dry patches… the list of ways that the delicate skin on our faces can be challenged