The Three Worlds Of Herbs

Plants and trees have held a central role throughout time in almost all of the world’s spiritual, healing, and visionary traditions. We seem to be absolutely mystified by plants, and it appears that we have always had the calling to work with them as allies for our health, well-being, and happiness. Today, I’d like to …

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Iced Herbal Tea Recipe : The Chiller

This week’s recipe is all about bringing in the chill! No matter how hot it gets outside, the coolness of this iced herbal tea recipe and the herbs it contains will help bring a cool breeze to your body and lower your temperature so that you can keep enjoying the summer sun! This herbal tea …

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Lemongrass Herbal Tea

If you love the taste of tangy lemonade on a hot summer’s day, then you will love having lemongrass on hand for hot or iced herbal tea all year long! This giant native of the Asian tropics has beautiful leaves and a wonderful lemon scent that permeates the warm air where it grows. It’s an …

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Fresh Fruit Iced Herbal Tea

The warm weather is upon us and outdoor living is about to commence. This week, I want to introduce you to an amazingly delicious and easy way to create herbal tea from fresh fruit. You’ll love the combination of fruit sweetness and your favorite herbs, and your guests at any event will be wow’d by …

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Caffeine-Free Energy With Herbal Tea

I used to have a really unhealthy relationship with caffeine and soda. I was able to kick the habit several years ago, but I still have days when I need a little pick-me-up. Instead of having to turn to coffee, soda, or energy drinks, I’ve found some amazing caffeine-free herbal tea options that give me a …

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Why You Should Avoid Packaged Herbal Tea

Many people ask me about the difference between pre-packaged herbal tea bags and using loose whole herbs. Which is better, more potent, longer lasting, and more energetic? I’d like to share some ideas and experiences with you to explain just why loose herbs are the best choice for brewing medicinal tea, and why they can …

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